All kinds of miscellany


It's been a busy month here in Sara World. We signed a contract to build a new house (yay!), which means we have to put our current home on the market (not so yay). Honestly, it's all been a pain in the arse and I haven't had much time for hobbies, much less time to blog about my nonexistent hobbies.

I have, however, finished a couple projects I'm excited about; All baby stuff. (Man, I have a lot of preggo friends right now!)

First up is a super cute quilt for my friend Alissa's baby (yet to be formally named). I whipped this up with a Hunky Dory charm pack and am in love with the final result (and am amazed that I didn't majorly screw anything up this time).

Unfortunately, I didn't get a good photo of the finished product (that's what happens when you stay up 'til 1am the night before the shower finishing the binding). I need to see if Alissa will take a picture for me. I did, however, get a picture of the pizza from our surprise shower lunch - yummy, yummy, yummy:

I also made a set of burp cloths for two other dear friends of mine; Karina is having a boy and Dawn i having a girl. You know I love me some black and white:

And for baby boy, this is from the All Star collection by Riley Blake. I do love me some Riley Blake:

I also came down to the wire on finishing these, quite literally:

And for the first time since I started sewing again seriously, I started a project for *gasp* me! (Assuming you don't count the guest room quilts). I've had this gorgeous My Mind's Eye fabric sitting around (told you I love me some Riley Blake) and decided it would make a gorgeous makeup bag. They're all pinned and ready to sew. I couldn't decide which patterns I wanted on the inside or the outside... so I'm making two.

I may use both or I may put one up on Etsy to try and make a little extra dough. I could sure use a little extra dough right about now. My machine has me beating my head up against the wall, and I think it's about time for an upgrade.

Happy Monday, everyone!

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